2022 Farmer Payment Ceremony

On Thursday 26th May, FCOTI CEO Alex Saremento, FCOTI Field Staff and Brooke Hyatt and Sherryn Killmister from GTNT Group attended the Farmer Payment ceremony in Laclubar, Timor-Leste. The ceremony was attended by 151 farmers from 151 sites from both Laclubar and Soibada sub-districts, all eagerly awaiting payment from the carbon sales. There was a notable increase in participation of female farmers. Over $32,000 USD was paid to the farmers. Local authorities and community leaders were also present at the ceremony. The ceremony concluded with afternoon tea snacks, coffee and tea. The next payment ceremony will occur in May 2024.

FCOTI will continue to support the farmers with additional training, and with assistance with monitoring soil management, restocking, weeding, pruning, thinning etc.

“It was an honor to finally deliver the first farmer payment since achieving Plan Vivo accreditation. The Farmers have worked very hard to ensure the survival and growth of their trees”. - Alex Sarmento, CEO FCOTI

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