
Purchase carbon credits


The Process

Overall, carbon credits are traded "over the counter", to buy carbon credits, you can express your intention by telling FCOTI the purpose of your purchase, how many tonnes of credits need to be purchased and how the payment will be made.

To purchase credits please contact any of the following persons:

Alexandre Sarmento

Chief Executive Officer of FCOTI

+670 77735453

Ben Bardon

Marketting Officer and Adviser

+61 408 656 928

Brooke Hyatt

GTNT Focal Point and Adviser

+61 458 003 030


The FCOTI will retire credits in HIS Markit on your behalf corresponding to the number of credits to be purchased and based on the agreed price per tonne. A certificate with the number of tonnes purchased and the name of the purchaser will be issued and sent to the purchaser.

Create a IHS Markit account

If you don’t have a IHS Markit account but wish to create an account then please log on to IHS Markit Officer www.ihsmarkit.com/products/environmental-registry.html or contact IHS Markit officer.

Alternatively if you already have a HIS Markit account then FCOTI will transfer the credit directly to your Markit account.
The payment will be sent to Project Account in ANZ Dili.