Socialization in Wenunuc, Metinaro

Dili, 14 January 2021 – Fundação Carbon Offset Timor (F-COTI) made socialization about mangroves and the project called ‘Integrating reforestation, biodiversity conservation and carbon markets for improved landscape management in identified upland and coastal areas’ which was funded by the UNDP. The socialization took place in Suco Wenunuc Administrative Post of Metinaro Municipality of Dili with the participation of Suco Chief of Wenunuc, Suco Councils, farmers and the community of Wenunuc, followed by the Chief Executive Officer of F-COTI and the staff. Major Highlights - Interviewing the local and national authorities and farmers in Dili, Laclubar and Soibada (Jan) - Socialization in Ulmera, Liquica (Jan) - Plant 8 hectares of trees in Soibada and Laclubar (Feb) - Transporting trees from Ulmera to Metinaro (Feb) - Forest Ecology Education in Laclubar for High School Students (Mar) - Planting 3 hectares o